Make veggies fun for kids with Veggie Buds Club!
Here you can find hundreds of simple kid-friendly recipes, crafts, games, and growing projects that feature veggies. We believe in a hands-on approach and encourage you to cook with your kids so they can touch, smell, and taste veggies while assembling one of our recipes. We definitely believe that your kids should "play with veggies"!
Check out our shop where we sell tools to help your kids engage with veggies such as our favorite kid-safe knife and "Veggie Boxes" that include hours of recipes, crafts, games, and more!
Veggie Buds Club previously offered a monthly subscription box for children ages 3-6 that featured a new healthy veggie each month. We no longer provide this monthly service but we do develop specialty boxes on occasion so be sure to check out our shop and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to learn more!
Veggie Buds Club has been helping children learn to love veggies since 2016.
Here you can find hundreds of simple kid-friendly recipes, crafts, games, and growing projects that feature veggies. We believe in a hands-on approach and encourage you to cook with your kids so they can touch, smell, and taste veggies while assembling one of our recipes. We definitely believe that your kids should "play with veggies"!
Check out our shop where we sell tools to help your kids engage with veggies such as our favorite kid-safe knife and "Veggie Boxes" that include hours of recipes, crafts, games, and more!
Veggie Buds Club previously offered a monthly subscription box for children ages 3-6 that featured a new healthy veggie each month. We no longer provide this monthly service but we do develop specialty boxes on occasion so be sure to check out our shop and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to learn more!
Veggie Buds Club has been helping children learn to love veggies since 2016.
About Us
Monica Irwin created Veggie Buds Club after extensive experience working as a farmer, farmer's market manager, and environmental educator. It was founded on the premise that all kids can love veggies! Veggie Buds Club employs professional chefs, pediatric dietitians, and feeding therapists to develop professional and fact-based content.
Monica is a regular on the television show, Twin Cities Live, where she shares recipes and tips each month that feature Veggie Buds Club's veggie of the month. One of her highlights was making "Celery Bugs" on air with her daughter, Harriet!
Monica is a regular on the television show, Twin Cities Live, where she shares recipes and tips each month that feature Veggie Buds Club's veggie of the month. One of her highlights was making "Celery Bugs" on air with her daughter, Harriet!
Contributors to Veggie Buds Club
We would love to thank the many professionals who develop recipes, activities, and tips for Veggie Buds Club. It takes a village to teach kids that veggies are awesome!
Eat Pretty Darling

Katie Blauser is the mama of three boys, wife of a picky eater, and food lover at Eat Pretty Darling. She believes in making food fun, healthy, & pretty! Katie’s not only outnumbered by boys in her little family, but also by picky eaters. She loves trying to find new ways to get both kids and adults to eat healthy while making food pretty yummy, pretty healthy, and pretty fun! Find Katie on Instagram (@eatprettydarling), where she shares colorful and cute food ideas for both picky and adventurous eaters.
Gratefully Vegan
Happy Healthy Casa
Happy Kids Kitchen

Heather Staller is a mom of two boys and a cooking instructor that specializes in bringing cooking into preschool classrooms. Find Heather on Instagram (@heather.happykidskitchen), where she shares inventive kid-friendly recipes and ideas for cooking with kids at home. Check out her blog at www.happykidskitchen.com.
Helping Hands Tot

Ashley Thurn is a mother to two little ones and a pediatric occupational therapist + feeding specialist by trade. She has always loved being able to use her experience as an OT to encourage moms and caregivers in relating with their children. She is passionate about helping families of picky eaters get their children to eat a wider variety of nutritious foods. Follow her on Instagram (@helpinghandstot) or on her blog, Helping Hands Occupational Therapy.
Motherhood and Meals

Noelle Martin is a Registered Dietitian and mom of three young boys. She has a passion for education, inspiring, and empowering moms to make healthy choices for themselves and their families. Noelle loves involving her children in food planning and preparation for their home and sees the kitchen as a perfect area for teaching both academic and life skills. Follow @MotherhoodandMeals on Instagram for Noelle's nutrition tips, recipes, product reviews, and motherhood moments.
Our Table Eating in Color

Our Table Eating in Color is a tribe of passionate Feeding Therapists seeking to share their knowledge and education to grow community and help you and your little ones thrive at the table!
Natalie Kremer, M.A., CCC-SLP (Speech-Language Pathologist/Feeding Therapist)
Ashleigh Trato, MOT, OTRL (Occupational Therapist/Feeding Therapist)
Molly Stewart, M.A., CCC-SLP (Speech-Language Pathologist/Feeding Therapist)
The Natural Nurturer

Taesha Butler is the creator, blogger and recipe developer behind the site, The Natural Nurturer. A preschool teacher and mother, Taesha has a passion for healthy and natural living. Through her veggie-loaded family-friendly recipes, natural living tips, and honest parenting talk, Taesha aims to empower parents and caregivers to raise their families in healthy ways that fit into their busy lives.
Veggies and Virtue

Ashley Smith is a pediatric dietitian and mom to three. With a baby starting solids and two apprehensive eaters of her own, Ashley understands how hard it can be to raise healthy and adventurous eaters. That's why it is her mission to bring other families less meal time stress
and more feeding success through the resources she creates at www.veggiesandvirtue.com. You can also follow her on Instagram or Facebook at @veggiesandvirtue.